Primary Care

Spays and Neuters

Things to consider regarding spay & neuter surgery

Important points to realize:

  • Spay & neuter surgery is permanent; future breeding is not possible.
  • Some pets may gain weight so dietary changes may be necessary and appropriate exercise is important

Neutering is a surgical procedure in which the testes of the male are removed. This procedure helps control pet overpopulation, reduces unwanted sexual behavior such a s mounting and decreases the incidence of certain male related health problems such as prostate gland disease.

Spaying (Ovariohysterectomy) is a surgical procedure that usually involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus. The surgery eliminates the "heat cycle" and bloody discharge associated with being "in heat". Spaying also eliminates the risk of uterine infections (pyometra or pus filled uterus) and decreases the risk of future mammary cancer. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia and although considered routine, they are major surgical procedures.

The Pros of Spaying and Neutering

  • Spaying removes the risk of pregnancy.
  • Pet overpopulation is a serious issue. Spaying helps in the fight to decrease the number of stray and homeless pets.
  • Spaying or neutering makes for a calmer pet.
  • Spaying and neutering eliminates the sexual drive. This makes all pets better house companions. Female dogs no longer have the bloody discharge associated with being "in heat". Male dogs and cats are less prone to territorial urine marking.
  • Spaying or neutering keeps your pet healthier.
  • Spayed and neutered pets are less prone to certain health concerns such as uterine infections, mammary cancer or testicular tumors
  • Neutering reduces annoying sexual behavior such as mounting and territorial marking with urine.
  • Neutering reduces traumatic accidents (being hit by cars) and bite injuries inflicted by other territorial dogs and cats while roaming in search of females in heat. A decrease in roaming also reduces the incidence of disease and parasites.
  • Neutering may reduce the risks of testicular and prostate disease.
  • Neutering reduces the incidence of aggressive behavior. Statistics show that non-neutered male dogs inflict most dog bites.
  • Spaying reduces the risk of mammary cancer later in life.
  • Spaying eliminates the risk of uterine infections.

Some people worry that spaying and neutering will cause personality changes. Typically spaying and neutering simply makes for a better, calmer dog or cat companion. Unless you are convinced that you want to show or breed your dog or cat, we recommend spaying or neutering at the earliest convenient time.

Dogs and cats may be spayed or neutered at any age, but the preferable age is approximately 4-12 months of age. It is of NO health benefit to allow your pet to go through a heat cycle or to breed once prior to being spayed or neutered.

The Cons of Spaying and Neutering

  • Spaying and neutering means sterilization.
  • Spaying or neutering will result in the sterilization of your pet, and they will no longer have the ability to reproduce. If you find your pet of a good temper and you want to breed, it will no longer be possible.
  • Spaying or neutering may cause weight gain.
  • Some pets gain weight after neutering. Cutting back on their food or increasing their activity can help reduce the weight gain.

Dogs and cats may be spayed or neutered at any age, but the preferable age is approximately 4-12 months of age. It is of NO health benefit to allow your pet to go through a heat cycle or to breed once prior to being spayed or neutered. Spaying and neutering prevents annoying sexual behavior, prevents certain cancers and infections, and generally leads to a happier, healthier cat or dog.

If you feel spaying or neutering your dog or cat is the best choice for you and your family pet, please contact VCA Stoney Creek Animal Hospital today.