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Nancy Alperson
Staff Veterinarian
Dr. Alperson was born in New England. She spent most of her childhood in the Midwest, returning to the Northeast for college, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts from Wellesley College and her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Science from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She has lived in Central Massachusetts for over fifteen years, where she enjoys spending time with her husband Gary, and their two sons Brian and Kevin, two cats Paw’n and Angel, , their golden retriever Bella, and their hedgehog, S'mores. Dr. Alperson joined the VCA Plainfield team in June of 2017. Dr. Alperson believes that collaborating with clients and their families in order to understand their needs, is a critical component of providing the most appropriate medical care for the patients she treats. Dr. Alperson and S'mores also enjoy speaking at schools and community organizations about a variety of subjects, including science, education, pet care, the environment, and the therapeutic benefits of having children around pets. Dr. Alperson is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, as well as the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians. In her spare time she enjoys running, knitting and being part of her book club.


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